Covers the basics of Python programming, such as writing text to the screen and doing math.
1. Introduction
Covers how to use strings to represent text, and how to store values in variables.
2. Strings
3. Variables
4. Savings Calculator Project
5. Challenges I
Covers what functions are and how to use them.
6. Function calls
7. Practice I
8. Debugging I
Covers types and how to cast between them. Also covers Booleans as one example of a type.
14. Types and casts
15. Booleans
16. Challenges III
Covers how to conditionally run code, and how to compare values.
17. Conditionals
18. Comparisons
19. Challenges IV
Covers the continue and break keywords and builds more fluency with loops.
27. Loop tips
28. Continue and break
29. Challenges VII
Covers tuples and slicing of tuples, lists, and strings.
30. Tuples
31. Using tuples
32. Slicing
33. Challenges VIII
Covers how to continue learning after having mastered the basics.
42. Final advice